Calendar of Films and TV directed and written by women

HollyCal – Calendar Of Films and TV Directed & Written by Women

Discover theatrical and video releases of upcoming feature films and airdates of TV episodes directed or written by women, events or festivals on the Hollycal, our interactive calendar.

To share events, TV episodes airdates, feature film premieres & releases, please use our submission form or contact us via e-mail

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ASMAC Masterclass with DEVOTION composer Chanda Dancy

The American Society of Music Arrangers and Composers will host a new free online masterclass with composer Chanda Dancy on December 10. Moderated by Glenn Jordan, the event will focus...

Women In Media Holiday Toast & Online Auction – Dec 10

Television City / LA 7800 Beverly Blvd / Studio 36, Los Angeles

For the fifth time, the organization Women In Media will present its Holiday event on December 10 in Los Angeles, honoring women above and below the line.

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