Calendar of Films and TV directed and written by women

HollyCal – Calendar Of Films and TV Directed & Written by Women

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Nominate A Woman In Tech With Geena Davis & Google

March 10, 2016

Strong allies, Google & the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media are teaming up once more.
This time, they’re partnering with the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) to deliver the first Reel Women in Technology (Reel WiT) Award for the best portrayal of a leading woman in technology.

As only 17% of onscreen technology roles feature women or girls, this award aspires to change that by recognizing the best portrayal of a leading woman in technology from a program who serves as a role model for girls and women with computing aspirations while disrupting the stereotypes of female ingenuity in technology fields.

From all the submissions, the selection has been reduced to 5: the cast from the documentaries CodeGirl & She Started It, Loretta from the Disney animated show Miles from Tomorrowland, Carla from HBO’s Silicon Valley and Rey from Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

The winner will be determined through an online vote ending on March 10, and announced in May at the 2016 NCWIT Summit just outside Red Rock Canyon, Nevada.

Find the upcoming Bentonville Film Festival by the Geena Davis Institute on our Calendar of Films, Events & TV and our List of Women’s Film Festivals Worldwide
Discover the SXSW panel Gender In Media: Why It Matters featuring Geena Davis on March 14
Follow the footsteps of Jane Austen, Agatha Christie and great authors on our sister project LibrAdventures – The Literary Atlas, showcased by Google Maps and several foreign branches of Google


March 10, 2016
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