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HollyCal – Calendar Of Films and TV Directed & Written by Women
Discover theatrical and video releases of upcoming feature films and airdates of TV episodes directed or written by women, events or festivals on the Hollycal, our interactive calendar.
Arrow 4×19 “Canary Cry” (Airs on the CW on April 27, 2016) Directed by Laura Belsey - Written by Wendy Mericle & Beth Schwartz - Oliver and the team struggle to come to terms with Laurel’s death, especially Diggle who is overwhelmed with guilt for choosing to believe Andy had changed.
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Hollywomen.com is a new platform exploring the legacy, chronicling the present and anticipating the future of women and diversity in the film & media industries.
It offers news, interviews, profiles, spotlights, historical perspectives & research, resources and dedicated tools for & about filmmakers.
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