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A few months after her Best Original Screenplay Academy Award win for Juno and the premiere of The United States of Tara, screenwriter Diablo Cody was the guest of the Writers Guild Foundation on April 2, 2009 for a new installment of the interview series Writers on Writing.
Discover a snippet of the event, where Diablo Cody is interviewed by writer/director Lorene Scafaria (Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist), colleague and member -like Cody- of the writing collective The Fempire:

Watch a DP/30 interview by David Polland on the making of her second movie by director Jason Reitman, Young Adult:

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Find Diablo Cody on the Hollywomen Screenwriters Board
Find Lorene Scafaria on the Hollywomen Screenwriters & Directors Board
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Fabien Hurelle

Editor of Hollywomen. Writer. Filmmaker. Multimedia producer. | LibrAdventures - The Literary Atlas | The Scribes All Articles by Fabien Hurelle Follow @_FHR_

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