Browse our comprehensive list of 100+ active film festivals focusing on women filmmakers and female-led movies.
Browse our comprehensive list of 100+ active film festivals focusing on women filmmakers and female-led movies.
Read the scripts of 18 films by women screenwriters running for the Oscars, BAFTAs, Golden Globes & major awards in 2016.
From pre-production to filming and post, discover our detailed list of active grants for female filmmakers & screenwriters.
Read the screenplays of 26 films by female writers & directors nominated for the Oscars, BAFTA, Golden Globes & major awards from 2015 to 2012.
Discover hundreds of women filmmakers, screenwriters, cinematographers, composers, documentary & genre directors to follow with our Twitter lists.
Discover the careers of hundreds of rising & experienced female screenwriters, directors, cinematographers, composers, editors, producers with the Hollywomen Pinterest Boards.
A detailed list of workshop, fellowships & mentorships aimed at women filmmakers.
Follow the footsteps of Jane Austen, Virginia Woolf, Anaïs Nin, Mark Twain & Hemingway on LibrAdventures – The Literary Atlas.