Discover hundreds of women filmmakers, screenwriters, cinematographers, composers, documentary & genre directors to follow with our Twitter lists.
We curate 80 specialized Twitter lists, from the well-populated lists of international women filmmakers, screenwriters, composers & action/horror directors to new lists focusing on mediums on nationalities, cumulating more than 3000 active professionals.
Follow @Hlwmn … and discover the entirety of our 80 lists on our Twitter page.
Discover our comprehensive resources: List of Women’s Film Festivals, List of Workshops and Mentorships for Women Filmmakers, List of Grants for Women Filmmakers and the Diversity Directory, an index of organizations, projects & festivals focusing on diversity in the entertainment industry.Our calendar of films and TV directed & written by women The Hollycal is being updated is and now tracking most primetime television episodes directed and written by women, as well as theatrical and VOD releases.
Discover the careers of hundreds of screenwriters, directors, composers, cinematographers and editors with our Pinterest Boards.
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Summary of the main Twitter Lists: Genre Filmmakers | Female Directors (1000+) | Women Screenwriters (500+) | Female Cinematographers |Documentary Directors | Award-Winning Filmmakers | Women-Directed/Fronted Films | Animation Directors | TV Directors | Feature Film Directors | Composers | New Media Directors | Editors | Film Collectives | Film Festivals
Female Genre Filmmakers
Directors & produced screenwriters of action, science-fiction, horror…
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Women Directors (1000+)
Directors of features, shorts, documentaries…
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Women Screenwriters (500+)
Film & TV writers…
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Award-Winning Women Filmmakers
Nominees & winners of Academy Awards, DGA, WGA, AFI Awards…
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