Etheria Film Night is a showcase of the best new horror, science fiction, fantasy, action, and thriller films made by emerging women directors. Invading the American Cinematheque for the third…
This month MUFF has teamed up with Etheria to bring you Toronto MUFF fans a night of ‘80s b-movie horror and the darkest, creepiest, bloodiest female-directed Canadian shorts they could…
B.C. Butcher (Premiere At The Egyptian, Los Angeles) By Kansas Bowling on March 3, 2016
From the Marguerite Duras Retrospective in France to the Etheria Film Night, discover the events and film festivals taking place in Los Angeles, Paris & Australia in December.
The Etheria Film Night invaded Hollywood a few weeks ago. Read our interviews with award winners Sarah Doyle, Julia Walter, Lexi Alexander & Axelle Carolyn.
Discover the films & trailers of the emerging women genre filmmakers showcased during the Etheria Film Night in Los Angeles on July 12th.