From the Marguerite Duras Retrospective in Paris to the Etheria Film Night, discover the events and film festivals taking place in Los Angeles, France & Australia in December.
Summary: The Etheria Film Night Invades Boston | Ladies First: Producers Share Insights At USC | Marguerite Duras Retrospective in Paris | Heroines Take Over The Big Screen in Paris | Under The Skin Live Concert In Los Angeles | Ursula Dabrowsky Unleashes Her Inner Demon
[easy-social-share buttons=”facebook,twitter,google,pinterest,linkedin,tumblr,mail,reddit,buffer,pocket” counters=0 hide_names=”force” template=”metro-retina” fullwidth=”yes”]For the third consecutive year, the Etheria Film Night will offer screenings of sci-fi and horror short films directed by women at the Somerville Theatre, Boston, Massachusetts. Hosted by All Things Horror on December 13 & 14, the event will showcase movies presented at the Hollywood festival in June such as Hide & Seek by Kayoko Asakura, The Jelly Wrestler by Rebecca Thomson, Dawn by Rose McGowan and the audience award winner You, Me & Her by Sarah Doyle.
Accompanying the supernatural romance feature Soulmate by Axelle Carolyn, three new short films will also be spotlighted: the gothic drama Little Lamb by Heidi Lee Douglas, Serpent’s Lullaby by Patricia Chica & the science fiction love story 113 Degrees by AFI graduate Sabrina Doyle.
The Etheria Film Night will be accepting submissions for its June 2015 red carpet event at the American Cinematheque’s Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood until March 31.
Get your tickets for the December 13th 7pm showing and Sunday 14th 2pm screening
Submit your short movie to the Etheria Film Night on the event’s website
Find the Etheria Film Night on our comprehensive List of Women’s Film Festivals
Find the Etheria Film Night on our index of organizations The Diversity Directory
Find Dawn & Rose McGowan on Trailers & Releases – Sept. 19: Fort Bliss, Dawn & Red Band Society
Read our interviews with Axelle Carolyn and Sarah Doyle on Etheria Film Night: Awards & Interviews
Discover the workshop where Sarah Doyle developed her movie on Directors & Films of the AFI Directing Workshop for Women 2013
Watch the trailers of You, Me & Her, The Jelly Wrestler and Hide & Seek on Etheria Film Night: Movies & Directors
Discover the trailer of Little Lamb on Hackers, Slashers & Angry Birds – Watch Trailers Of New Movie & TV Releases
“What does it mean to be a rising woman in the industry? What type of content is shaping today’s marketplace?”
These questions will be answered at the Ladies First: Rising Women in Entertainment – Producers Panel set up by the USC Women of Cinematic Arts on December 7 in Los Angeles.
Drawing from experience and a female point of view, industry professionals will share insights on how to become successful rising producers and provide tips for filmmakers on how to build relationships with producers.
Get your tickets for the Ladies First: Rising Women in Entertainment
Follow the USC Women of Cinematic Arts on our index of organizations The Diversity Directory
Born a century ago, prominent French novelist Marguerite Duras was also a major filmmaker who will receive a special attention from the Centre Pompidou in Paris with the Marguerite Duras Cineaste film retrospective. From November 28 to December 20 India Song and La Musica will be screened by the institution alongside 17 movies directed by the author and a series of conferences in mid-december.
The accompanying exhibition Duras Song, focusing on her written archives, will carry on a bit longer until January 12, 2015.
Learn more about the Marguerite Duras retrospective on the website of the Centre Pompidou
Scarlett Johansson and unusual film techniques weren’t the only things that put the visually stunning and unsettling film Under The Skin on the map as its troubling, haunting score score has been received with great acclaim.
Composed by Mica “Micachu” Levi and inspired by John Cage, the otherworldly soundtrack will be performed by a live orchestra during two screenings at the newly reopened Regent Theatre in Los Angeles, following a similar performance which took place in London last June. The 26-year-old composer and recent recipient of the European Film Best Composer Award will conduct a 25-piece orchestra composed of musicians from the experimental classical ensembles Wordless Music Orchestra and L.A.’s Wild Up. on January 6 at 7.30 and 11pm.
Like clockwork, the third installment of the Heroïnes film showcase will take place during the Shortest Day Short Film Celebration in December.
The formula of the event helmed by Audrey Clinet doesn’t change, highlighting 9 short movies directed by women through a screening in a Parisian theater.
The following films will be shown at the Elysées Biarritz in Paris, France on December 20:
Planter les choux by Karine Blanc
Bittersweet Sixteen by Clara Leac
L’homme qui en connaissait un rayon by Alice Vial
Reality + by Coralie Fargeat
Jennah by Meryem Benm’Barek
Con Buenas Intenciones by Virginia Romero
Jeux tu nous by Marina Ziolkowski
Les insouciants by Louise de Prémonville
J’aurai pas dû mettre mes Clarks by Marie Caldera
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Learn more about the new feature film written by Alice Vial in Anne Fontaine Takes Side With The Innocents
Find Alice Vial on the Hollywomen Screenwriters Board
Find Coralie Fargeat on the Hollywomen Screenwriters Board & Directors Board
Find Heroines on our comprehensive List of Women’s Film Festivals
The second installment of Ursula Dabrowsky’s demons trilogy scared Melbourne on November 21 with the premiere of her new supernatural survival Inner Demon during the Monsterfest Festival.
Screened again on November 22 alongside the new short film of Rebecca Thomson & Claire d’Este I Am Undone, the upcoming feature follows the 2009 release Family Demons in a trilogy concluded soon by Demonheart, currently in development.
Festivals weren’t the only place to discover Australian horror that day, as the channel SBS2 showcased the award-winning stop animation short Butterflies directed and animated by Isabel Peppard.
Watch the trailer of The Jelly Wrestler by Rebecca Thomson & Claire d’Este on Etheria Film Night: Movies & DirectorsFind Ursula Dabrowsky on the Hollywomen Directors Board
Discover the Seen & Heard festival which recently screened Peppard’s previous movie on Hackers, Slashers & Angry Birds – Watch Trailers Of New Movie & TV Releases
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