LibrAdventures is a literary atlas which allows you to explore locations associated with famous authors and works of literature.
Summary: Index of All Women Writers | Index of all Writers, Artists, Libraries & Bookstores
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How did Sherlock Holmes and John Watson meet? Where was Frankenstein created? What happened to the queen of crime Agatha Christie during her sudden disappearance in 1926? What led to the creation of the Shakespeare & Company bookstore and its revival? Where did Virginia Woolf write A Room of One’s Own? What prompted J.M. Barrie to write Peter Pan?
A close relative to Hollywomen as both are built by the same creative, LibrAdventures answers all those questions.
An immersive journey through literature and the arts,  the interactive atlas puts the events in context, explaining why a place has been important in someone’s career, private life and literary history.
Updated with new entries and features, LibrAdventures has recently been showcased by Google Maps, Google Russia and other national branches of the company.
Update: Months after that it is still, according to the tech giant, Google’s “favorite bookworm-inspired” project.
Index of All Women Writers
All Writers, Artists, Libraries & Bookstores
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