The Twisted Twins are back and want your blood: watch 11 outrageous Women In Horror Massive Blood Drive Public Service Announcements.
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Initiated by Hannah Forman in 2010, Women in Horror Recognition Month (WiHM) has become a tradition, celebrating women in the horror genre each February, through film screenings, essays & events.
For the past 7 years, filmmakers Jen & Sylvia Soska have been associated with the movement, releasing bloody Public Service Announcements on February 1rst encouraging people to donate their hard-earned plasma to local blood drives.
As their careers took off and Forman’s call to action resonated in horror and film communities, the production values and impact followed, exploding in 2014 with a collaborative PSA featuring segments directed by the Soskas, Forman, Maude Michaud, Jessica Cameron, Patricia Chica and Isabel Peppard.
The 2015 edition outdid it, bringing back the Soskas, Forman, Michaud, Cameron and Chica, inviting rising filmmakers Chelsey Burdon, Jill Sixx Gevargizian & Gigi Saul Guerrero to join the mayhem.
As notable and successful as the campaigns have been, an issue remained: even if, officiously, blood drive organizations appreciated the initiative, they would never acknowledge it publicly and support the movement.
For the 2016 edition, the PSAs took a different direction. What do you do when you keep being rejected by official institutions, year after year?
The answer is simple: you go all out and you hold nothing back. Praise the Almighty Crimson God, May Blood Rain On My Enemies!
Presented by the Soskas, Richard Harmon (The 100), Lisa Durupt (Motive), Lee Majdoub (See No Evil 2) &
The WiH veterans are back in this 26 minutes long anthology: Gigi Saul Guerero, Maude Michaud, Jill Gevargizian & Hannah Forman present thrillers & comedies, while Patricia Chica’s burlesque segment will, like her 2015 contribution, reach the festival circuit as an extended cut.

The Luhrmanns – Directed by Jill Gevargizian – Shot by Christopher Commons
The line-up is inclusive and not limited to female directors as Joe Magna (producer on the Soska’s GSN show Hellevator) and Andy Stewart (Ink) have been invited alongside Nicole McClure, who has featured the Twisted Twins in her upcoming documentary The Unbearable Lightness of Boning.
They are far from being the only Soska accomplices in this venture, as their muse Tristan Risk is making a splashing entrance as a director.
Starring Geoff Gustafson (Primeval: New World) and double Leo Awards winner Johannah Newmarch, the short Blood and Dinosaurs by Lisa Ovies provides an interesting take on family dynamics. It won’t be long for the creative team to be reunited: the cast will be back, alongside Richard Harmon, Lisa Durupt, Lee Majdoub and Gigi Saul Guerrero in her first feature Puppet Killer which has recently completed photography, produced and co-written by… Jen & Sylvia Soska.

B Negative – Directed by Veronica Hampson & Kate Taeuschel – Shot by Misha Dahan
Last but not least, The PSAs introduce hellspawns Veronica Hampson and Kate Taeuschel to the world with their remarkable directing debut B Positive starring Sam Earle (Degrassi) & Adam Kenneth Wilson (Shadowhunters).
Aged 17, the new members of the pack, mentored by cinematographer Misha Dahan and produced by George Mihalka (My Bloody Valentine), demonstrate a solid hold on moviemaking.
One would be advised to keep an eye on these younglings: they mean trouble and have the potential to become strong genre filmmakers.
The call for blood donations couldn’t happen at a more appropriate time: most north americans blood banks are in an urgent need of new donors. The donations are usually low during the winter but it’s even worse this year, as the blizzard which strucked the US led to the cancellation of hundreds of blood drives and many blood operation services now operate at critically low levels.
Give your blood to appease the Twisted Twins by booking an appointment in America (American Red Cross) in Canada (Canadian Blood Services), in the United Kingdom (NHSBT Blood Donation), Australia (Australian Red Cross) and France (Don du Sang), or in Transylvania (555-DRACUL).
Discover events celebrating Women In Horror Month such as Scream Queen FilmFest Nagoya, Jennifer’s Bodies and Etheria On Tour on our calendar The Hollycal
Find American Mary directed by the Twisted Twins on Mistresses Of The Dark, Part 1: 10 Horror Films Directed By Women
Find Jen & Sylvia Soska on the Hollywomen Directors Board: Jen – Sylvia
Learn more about their adaptation of Painkiller Jane on Nothing Can Stop The Soskas
Discover the full line-up of the WiH Massive Blood Drive PSA 2016:
O Negative
Directed by Gigi Saul Guerrero
Watch the trailer of Dia De Los Muertos by Gigi Saul Guerrero on Etheria Film Night: Movies & Directors
The Luhrmanns
Directed by Jill Gevargizian
Tom Daloney’s Annual Blood Drive Drive Event 1993
Directed by Hannah Neurotica Forman
Full Moon
Directed by Tristan Risk
Find American Mary starring Tristan Risk on Mistresses Of The Dark, Part 1: 10 Horror Films Directed By Women
Give Or Take
Directed by Maude Michaud
Find Maude Michaud on the Hollywomen Directors Board
Blood Overdrive
Directed by Joe Magna
Bloody Burlesque
Directed by Patricia Chica
Find Patricia Chica on the Hollywomen Directors Board
B Positive
Directed by Veronica Hampson and Kate Taeuschel
Blood and Dinosaurs
Directed by Lisa Ovies
Blood for America
Directed by Nicole McClure
Sanguinis Domini
Directed by Andy Stewart
Blood Drive for Hitler
Directed by The Soska Sisters
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